Warm temperatures over the weekend have melted most of the snow very quickly. I hadn't been in the mountains (or even out of the house) for a couple of days! Iv been working on the
openenergymonitor project with Trystan Lea. With my friend David coming over from Manchester and dying to get out we walked into the Ladders on Saturday after a leisurely start. With the warm temperate we were not too hopeful, I was shocked to see how bare the cliff looked. A few meting icy streaks remained. We retired to the indoor bouldering wall. Now the cold temperatures has returned it will be interesting to see what's climable. Gullys will probably be the best bet for a while.
Mmm.. where did all the snow go? |
Soggy walk |
Today we went drytooling at White Goods, a better venue that Millstone! I had never been there before for done much dry tooling. Its great fun! ...and a proper pumpy workout! We did Adams M5 then moved onto Pears M7 before I dogged my way up Jazz M8. I'm psyched to get training and come back and a some of the harder routes. We all finished the day with our front teeth and face intact..bonus!
White Goods |
Jade on Pears M7 |
Andy Turner, Nick Bullock and Rob Greenwood were there showing us how its done
Andy Turner firing up Tumble in the Jungle and amazing looking M9 |